Sophie Orlich

Hot Photo Spots

Sophie Orlich

There’s no question that New York is a photographer/Instagrammer’s paradise. Anything can be photo-worth with the right angles, backdrop and filter. Here are a few suggestions though, from the very broad to the very specific. My biggest piece of advice when looking for that perfect photo is to not force it, especially if you’re here on vacation or with friends. The quickest way for everyone to become irritated with you is if you keep trying to make that photo standing in front of Tiffany’s happen (or whatever). If you find yourself working plans around a photo spot, begging your companions to “just take a few more” then its time to recalculate. As I mentioned, NYC is a non-stop photo opp. If you’re not happy with what you have, just wait! I’m sure another opportunity will come up organically soon. Don’t forget to put that phone away (and on power saver mode) between shots :)

***PLEASE STAY SAFE & ALERT of things like oncoming traffic, bikers, skateboarders, opening shop doors, generally other people. As usual keep the annoyance of others to a minimum and you should be fine.